
Showing posts from May, 2019

Hello World!

Hello World!      Hello world, and welcome to my blog! What better way to start my first post, than to include the title in the very first sentence? And what better way to start a blog, than to give it an excruciatingly long and annoying name? N3GATIV3 R3INF0RC3M3NT will be my way of letting my frustration out, and expressing my thoughts on the asinine, the infuriating, and the personal. I hope that someone out there will be able to relate to some of my thoughts and realize, that I am not a hateful or ignorant person, but that I am simply fed up with how the world is, and refuse to accept it.       I think if everyone accepted the way the world is, rather than try to change or improve it, we wouldn't have light bulbs, medicine, computers, and love. It's important to have people that see a problem with the world, and at least try to fix it. If I can't change the world, I will die trying, just to flip this evil place the finger with my dying breathe.       I know w