Hello World!

Hello World!

     Hello world, and welcome to my blog! What better way to start my first post, than to include the title in the very first sentence? And what better way to start a blog, than to give it an excruciatingly long and annoying name? N3GATIV3 R3INF0RC3M3NT will be my way of letting my frustration out, and expressing my thoughts on the asinine, the infuriating, and the personal. I hope that someone out there will be able to relate to some of my thoughts and realize, that I am not a hateful or ignorant person, but that I am simply fed up with how the world is, and refuse to accept it. 

     I think if everyone accepted the way the world is, rather than try to change or improve it, we wouldn't have light bulbs, medicine, computers, and love. It's important to have people that see a problem with the world, and at least try to fix it. If I can't change the world, I will die trying, just to flip this evil place the finger with my dying breathe. 

     I know what you're thinking (at least I think I do), That was beautiful and dramatic... Wait, you weren't thinking that? Never mind, that was just me, as usual. (Can you tell how EMO I AM yet???) 

     I find that I am the only person (that I know of) that thinks about a lot of these things. Does that mean that I'm wrong to think them? Well, a cannibal might think that humans taste delicious, and that it's okay to eat your own kind, and I'm 110% sure that's wrong. He's probably the only person he knows who thinks like that, but he's wrong. Will I end up in a similar boat? I don't think my thoughts or views on things are wrong (well, neither does the cannibal), I just believe they're different, an alternative way of looking at things.

     Yes, I have a rather negative way of viewing my life and events in this joke called life, but it has always driven me to try to do better. I don't get sad and crumble in on myself. I get angry, and I fight. I know what I want, what I need, and how to achieve what needs to happen for me, and for others. And I refuse to stop trying.

     I leave you with this initial list of over dramatic angst, and will bid you a good day or night, where and whenever you are reading this. See you in the next post.

